Trade name: Infobip GK
Company address: 15/F, Cerulean Tower, 26-1 Sakuragaoka-cho, Company Name: INFOBIP GK Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 150-8512
Representative of the company or the person in charge of sales: Mr. Alen Smoljan
Prices of the products or services the company provides: Any amount between 1000¥Coins(1000JPY) and 50,000¥Coins (50,000JPY)
Delivery fee (if any): None
When and how a customer shall pay for the products or services: Customer will pay immediately during purchase, using Operator Billing and/or Game cards
When the products will be delivered or the services provided: Immediately upon payment
Whether or not the company will provide a refund even if there is no problem with the products or services: No refund available
The deadline when the application for purchase will expire (if any): None
Amount the customer must pay other than 5 and 6 above (if any): None
Customer's computer system requirements for the contents the company provides: PC with Internet Browser, Android: Smartphone/Tablet
If the company sends commercial e-mails to customers, the e-mail address of the company: info@ycoins.jp
Terms of conditions of purchase other than 11 and 12 above (if any): Terms for ¥Coins